Monday, April 22nd, 2013

The show on Friday night was FANTASTIC! Thank you to everyone who came out and had a good time with all of us. After such a long break from performing, it was a great "welcome back" to have so many laughs and yells and excitement. Again, thank y'all so much.

In other news, Hunter Sprague and I are getting together this Sunday to shoot some photos for the record. Check out his portfolio and get excited about how fantastic he is at what he does.

I got to hang out with my best friends and brothers on Friday night and some of the words said to me were definitely monumental in regard to my music. The hollers and yells, singing and claps that came from the Nichols brothers were some of the most encouraging sounds I could've possibly heard from the stage. Matthew Nichols pulled me aside and we talked about the weekend we went out to camp and shot the video for "When You're Down" back in January. Hearing that one of the songs that I created changed someone's life and helped them get through a dark time made everything I've done with this record worthwhile, especially coming from one of my brothers.

Thank y'all for stopping by,