Monday, April 9th, 2012

Things are really beginning to come together even at such an early time in this whole process.
After making a trip back to my hometown over the Easter weekend, I already feel like I have friends and family rallied together that are more than willing to support me to the ends of the earth. This is all making me really open my eyes to how blessed I am, and I'm so thankful already, and this is only the beginning.

Record Updates:
---I have 9 songs at this point, but the album will only consist of 6 tracks most likely.

---I've made the decision that everyone that will be working on the record needs to be someone that has impacted me and my music and has changed my life. I feel like that is the only way this album will be able to have that genuine, honest feel and be able to hit home with anyone who hears it.

---With that being said, I have recruited a brother of mine, Mark Nichols, to sing harmony with me on a few of the tracks. I should be getting his brother, Matt, to be featured on the record for auxillary stringed instruments and possibly a 3rd harmony at times. Both of these men are family to me, and it's an awesome feeling to know that they believe in me enough to put in time and effort to better this album with me.

---I'm in the process of putting together an equipment list of gear that needs to be available throughout the time in the studio.

---Not quite sure what name I'm going to release this album under. Though that is always a thought, I'm letting that portion of this process work itself out in due time. I want the music to shape the moniker that I write, record, and perform under. I want a similar feel as Iron and Wine in the sense that when Sam Bean performs, he is "Sam Bean AS Iron and Wine" rather than "Same Bean OF Iron and Wine." Other examples being Dallas Green/City and Colour or Kristian Matsson/The Tallest Man on Earth. I want Matthew McNeal to be synonymous with whatever name I end up choosing.

Thanks for checking in,