Monday, April 16th, 2012

Over the weekend, I made a trip over to Ben's place to get a few things tracked for official pre-production!

After a couple hours of hanging out, laughing, and leaving the room mics armed for recording, we ended up with 3 of the songs tracked with the basic guitar structure. The next step is to record the lyrics over the tracks, find out what really sounds good, and revamp some of the lyrical writing to make sure that every single word contributes to the song. After that, I'll sit down and decide which instruments I want to feature in each of the parts, whether it be banjo, slide guitar, shaker, tambourine, etc.

I'm very excited to have some of this music tracked and documented already. Pre-production is going to be a long/fun/occasionally-tough experience, but it's all a part in making this record the best it can be!

Thanks for all of the support,